Ola minna !
Hey guys ! Its been a while. As i read back my previous blog, I kindly gonna say that was my last semester's holiday story. Well.. that's totally all about "friendship" matters. Technically I already get down with it recently. I guess? So, here I am. In the middle of my second semester's holiday (its been going from June till August?)
Eventually believe it or not, I just finished my first year of degree ! Yeay me?! Hihihi
Still. In that whole year.. I created alot of memories through it. 
And if you wanna make me list it.. Damn I'm sure I couldn't but as I mentioned before.
"Memories Stays". Might not be in my blog but surely in me. 

As i finished my first year.. I actually make alot of friends. I do things that I usually don't do. Well not that bad. It was just a night where I didnt get back to dorm and go lepak-ing (hanging out) with bunch of friends and got back to dorm during morning. Others than that.. well.. I couldn't even recall it but those great feelings still in my mind. Its amazing.
I guess most of the people r absolutely right bout uni's life. Its way better than high sch but i still like my kindergarten life tho. AHAHAHHA. (its good to be a kid !)

oh yes I forgot to mention this ! I'm of the lucky student of Universiti Malaysia Sabah a.k.a UMS. I'm major in International Relations & minor of Arabic Language. Tbh I'm not that good in Arabic yet. Hahahahaha xD

What so ever bout me.. Lets get through all of this. 
I got someone on my mind actually. 
Someone that I have never met before. But seems like I like him alot.. And I always pray the best for him altho he didnt even know that I'm exist. 
To be honest .. I'm in love with celebrity. An actor and model.. I wont tell his identity. And I know it sounds ridiculous.
But I believe in God. I fell for him not because he got the looks. I realized .. if its because of the looks.. I guess his colleagues are way better good looking than him. 
But I came across this footage. Documentary footage bout my hometown. And of course he and his friend are hosting this footage.   
Where I get a chance to discover his personality through it. I know it sound crazy when all you can do is judging someone based from their certain official videos but this.. is kinda different. 
We're born with senses. And those senses make us feel the things that we couldn't even explain. I sense their honesty. You can see someone who being dishonest and honest through their eyes .. and I see all of the feeling in their eyes as in excitement, appreciation, and love. Which make me feel connected and feel the warm that they try to spread through their documentary. Its much more valuable when someone else appreciate the treasure of your own hometown right?
Others than that.. I feel moved by how they being respectful to elders, natures, wildlife, religion and kids. Its amazing. Especially when you saw 2 disbelievers, raise their hands upon their chest .. praying to Allah (who they never get chance to get to know yet) before had a lunch.. Its just remarkable. Ever since I saw that part.. I feel so moved, I pray every single time in my solat.. that Allah accept them as the believers. That Allah give them the "hidayah" and guide them to be part of us. 

And I wish Allah grant my doa. Its just.. I believe in Allah. I believe in his power. I believe in his miracle.. I believe when comes to Allah, there is no impossible. Allah is the key to every possibilities. Oh Allah, I might not know him well.. I might get to know him through 1 hour and 40 minutes documentary video yet I believe you give "hidayah" to anyone that you want too. Please grant my doa.. Help them. Guide them. Light them. In sha Allah, they might be one of you best believers soon. :')


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