Remember my 19 weird things about me?
That was posted a few years ago. As I scroll back, pheww time does flies fast huh. I did changed. Which actually I never thought I would but I did. I lost some of my 19 weird sides, and I gained new one hahahah. Let's take a look back with my 19 weird things about me!
1. I'm boyish
Well to be honest, there'll always boyish side of myself. Not like totally boyish because I supposed I got much feminine nowadays. Still, I said no no to skirt! 😜
2. I don't like to wear handbag.
Nowadays, this changed. I do wear handbag but not like everyday. If I got a lot of stuffs (which occur than just car keys, purse and handphone) to bring along, I might use my handbag. But if I want to bring stuffs like camera, laptop and etc, yeap I totally going to bring backpack as well. 🤣
3. I used guys wallet rather than girls purse.
Holy this one is absolutely vice versa now. I like to keep it simple but as the same time I like to keep my money straight (unfolded) LOL. If you know what I meant. So yes I use women purse nowadays. Dark blue with sparkle here and there LMAO 🤣
4. I'm into t-shirt more than other girls' clothes.
Well... This still stays in me! Back then I was into t-shirt, shirt and shirt. Nowadays, I'm still sticking with shirt but long sleeves, jumper, hoodies, sweater. Not with the striking colors though. I keep it "mysterious colors" with black, grey, emerald green, dark blue, & maroon.
5. Can go anywhere with my no makeup (exceptional) and no handbag?
LOL I'm being repetitive here 🤣
But this changed though. I wear makeup now! Hahahaha. If back then, I only wear eyeliner, now.. I most likely wear day cream, blusher, eyebrows, eyeshadows (nude colors), lipstick, & highlight (depending on my mood though). Yet, I keep simple and natural with my makeup.
6. I'm lazy taking care of my skin.
I changed for real with this one. I'm still lazy but I do take care of my skin now. Back then, I barely use any products to improve my skin but now yes I do. And I totally suggest you to do so. I'm mostly using Face Shop products (korean brand). I'm satisfied with it. Its not like its so flawless but it does improve my skin (p.s no I'm not going to post my photos to do comparison as I'm shy to do so LOL)
7. I don't use any products for my skin.
Dumb me. Number 7 was never exist because it was the description for number 6. Hmm.
8. My dream high school was La Salle' (one of the male school in my hometown)
Well yes it was. If I was born as a male, I would go to La Salle' for sure.
9. I love hanging out with guys rather than the girls. But I have both best guyfriends and best girlfriends.
Hmm. I think this is no longer weird as everyone does this but yes I sometimes rather hanging out with the guys than girls. Yet I spent more time with the girls now than guys as I try to find balance for both. Besides, my best girlfriends are like guys as well LMAO. So yea it was fun and hanging out with the right girlfriends wasn't that bad. I learn a lot from both girls and guys and I really appreciate that. ⌣
10. I don't wear makeup except liptint and eyeliner.
I even annoyed to myself LOL. Okay I've already explain this. So let's skip this.
11 was never exist. So here it is 12. Love sneakers, not really into heels.
Oh yes I still do love sneakers and no no I barely wear heels but in a few formal occasions or any special events that need my feminine side, yeah I'll go with heels. God knows how I can't say no to Vans and Converse. Ugh soo good!
13. I mad like a drunk guy and punch stuff.
Well as it for this, I think I was trying to explain that I'm a bad temper person. Well I am to be honest. Yet I learned a lot day by day to control my temper and I did. Now, things change and when I get mad, I isolate myself, listening to songs. If I'm in situation that stuck cope with noises, I shall put on my headphones and being in my own world. Its better for me to do so than letting myself talk bad direct towards the people (which they might end up holding grudge on me). I still do punch stuff but I barely now. Self control its a must. So yeay me? Hahaha.
14. I love dubs dubs. Gave me eargasm.
Hahahaha what kind of fact was that? Okay I'm sure back then I was trying to say I love EDM more than other genres. Yes I still do. Most of my playlist are EDM but I gained new favorite types of musics. I love indies, alternatives, jazz, lo-fi, dream pop & so on. Pretty chilling. Listen to any of them depending on my mood.
15. I'm boyish but I'm straight
16. I think beatbox and street dance is cool.
17. I love wear jacket, varsity, sweaters.
Uhm I did answer and explain this before. But I barely wear varsity now. End of discussion for 17 LOL
18. Love wearing cap or hats
Pretty much yes if I didn't wear hijab going out, my cap could be a replacement for my hijab #StillBADASS but I think I want to try beanie.
19. I love hookah. Mint with strawberry flavor.
Hmmm.. I barely do hookah nowadays. But I'm down for it. Still, I'm not addicted to it anymore. It's a very long time for me not to do hookah though. I might cough if you bring me along now HAHA
So yeahh thats it. I'm half half changed? Hahahahaha.
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