Its been a long time...
Yeap! Its been a long time since I havent bought any cap! I dont know where are all my caps gone. Been missing in action I guess! Hahaha. So this is like this first time for me for a long time since I bought new cap. I bought this last Sunday. 

Well actually last Sunday, just cut my hair again.. this is like the third time I cut it down within a few months. Idk Im addicted to cutting my hair again and again. Am I going crazy? Well not really I guess. Haha! My hair grow much more fast than I ever thought. Kinda annoyed with long hair and Im sooo lazy to manage it so yeap.. Cut it down all over again. Third time guys ! Hahahha! Its effin crazy isnt it? xD 

I dont look like any of mature 19 years old teen. I look like a 10 with this short hair. My classmate keep teasing my new hair as the "Wonder Girls" and moreover a few of them called me "Beca" (main character in Pitch Perfect) since I play Traktor Pro in class while Im bored. Hahaha !

Oh well. I like into this things rite now. Idk.. Musics is just soo addictive! Somehow I kinda think that I wanna explore musics and DJ-ing.. Just a hobby though ;)

Well thats all I guess? Ciao readers :)

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